Tuesday, February 21, 2012

PANCAKES! :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P : P

Pancakes! Yay! it's Pancake/Shrove Tuesday Today!!!
HUGEPile of de-lish pancakes! 
And tonight, like many of you out there, i am going to eat LOTS of pancakes, seriously, who doesn't like pancakes! And This year shrove tuesday is my birthday! tthat way i'll get pancakes for my birthday dinner! YAY! YAY! YAY! One of the best part is that you can have SO many different types, you can have savoury ones with ham and cheese or vegtables and meat and that sort of thing, or you can have sweet, My FAVE! :D,and with sweet the possibilities are endless! you can have fruit like berries and bananas and apples and blueberries and peach and any fruit you want, and you can have juices like lemon juice and maple syrup and chocolate suace and whipped cream and marshmallow cream and strawberry cream and that sort of thing, and you can have powder sugar and chocolate powder  and maple butter and with the squooshy cream that you press something and it comes out of a can and makes a noise and if you do onomatapoeia for the noise you would  write SQUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH! and you can make smiley face with squooshy cream or with berries and that sort of things. and at crepe stores you can get special one like a smores one whith marshmallows and chocolate and graham cracker crumbles, of you can get ones with walnuts and toffee. you can also get chocolate ones with melted chocolate inside and other yummy things :D :P :O :b 8D . i just did lots and lots of smiley faces because pancakes are yummy! YUMMY, YUMMY, YUMMY! what is Your fave flavor of pancake/crepe? post your answer as a comment, please 8 D.