Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hair :)

Hair is a giant-ish blob on the top of your head (but if you are bald then you will not have a giant-ish blob on the top of your head but you might have a teeny tiny bit of blobby hair), sometimes, its all around your head and not just the top of it. Hair grows on everybody's head (and maybe some other places on your body) unless they shave it off (which some people do). Like all the other types of hair you can dye your hair to match your uni-brow and your beard and your moustache and your mono-brow so you are almost ooking like a rainbow! People can dye their hair however they want to. Sometimes, people extend their hair to make it look longer than it really is.
There are lots of different hair styles just like these. Some rock stars (mostly boys but sometimes girls)
put their hair in an afro which looks like this.

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool
    I am going to do that to my hair
